1. 그렇게 하셔도 괜찮습니다.
=> It's okay (△)
=> That works for us (O)
=> We're fine with that (O)
2. 결정되면 알려주세요.
=> Let me know when dicided ( △)
=> Please let us know once a decision is made (O)
=> Keep me updated once you finalize it (O)
3. 검토 후 회신 부탁드립니다.
=> Reply after review ( △)
=> Kindly review and get back to us (O)
=> Please review this and share your feedback (O)
4. 수정 요청 사항이 있다면 말씀해주세요.
=> If you have revisions, tell me ( △)
=> Please let me know if there's anyting youd like us to revise (O)
=> Feel free to share any revision requests (O)
5. 그 부분은 아직 논의 중입니다.
=> it's still discussing
=> That part is still under discussion
=> We're still in the process of discussing that