1. 회신이 늦어 죄송합니다.
=> Sorry for the late reply (△)
=> Apologies for the delay in my response (O)
=> I'm sorry for getting back to you (O)
2. 가능한 한 빨리 진행해주세요.
=> Do it as soon as possible ( △)
=> Please proceed as quickly as possible (O)
=> Kindly expedite the process (O)
3. 말씀하신 내용 잘 확인했습니다.
=> I checked what you said (△)
=> I've reviewed the details you shared (O)
=> I've carefully checked what you mentioned (O)
4. 저희 쪽에서도 확인해보겠습니다.
=> We will check (△)
=> We'll look into this on our end as well (O)
=> Let us verify this on our side (O)
5. 진행 상황을 공유드리겠습니다.
=> I will share the progress (△)
=> I'll keep you updated on the progress (O)
=> I'll provide updates on how things are progressing (O)