틀렸던 문장들
1. tired of being working today
=> tired from working today
2. I want to play golf by myself (틀리진 않음)
=> I'd like to play golf on my own.
※ by my self는 고립이나 물리적 상태를 강조, 외로움의 뉘양스도 포함될 때가 있음.
※ on my on 나의 의지가 담겨져있음. 독립적인 행동이나 성과를 강조
3. In Korea, I usually order pizza with the half-and-half option.
4. When I enter into the bathroom to take a shower, I feel like it is recharging me
=> When I step into the bathroom to take a shower, it feels like I'm being recharged, especially with the warm water relaxing me.
※enter into : 너무 공식적인 표현법이며, 구어체보다는 문어체에 자주 쓰임
※step into : 더 간단한 표현이며 자연스러움.
① 물리적 장소에 들어가는 경우
- stepped into the room quietly
- as soon as I stepped into the store, I felt the warm atmosphere.
② 새로운 역할이나 상황에 진입하는 경우
- He stepped into his new role as a team leader with confidence.
③ 어려운 상황에 뛰어드는 경우
- The firefighter bravely stepped into the burning building to save the child
④ 비유적으로 새로운 경험이나 세계에 들어가는 경우
- Stepping into parenthood is a life-changing experience.
⑤ 도움을 제공하거나 상황을 해결하기 위해 나서는 경우
- She stepped into the conversation to offer her advice.
덧붙이면 좋을 표현, 또는 새로운 표현
1. She really enjoys going to screen golf, but she doesn't actually play, She just likes being there.
2. Playing golf occasionally isn't easy for me because I don't have much free time.
추가로 내가 알았으면 하는 구문들
1. Balancing work and personal time (일과 개인 시간의 밸런스에 대해 이야기 할떄)
- I'm trying to balance my hobbies with my family responsibilities.
- Finding free time isn't easy, but it's important for self-care.
2. Talking about preferences (선호에 대해 이야기 할때)
- I prefer this because it's more convenient.
- I'd rather go for somthing simpler.
3. Expressing hesitation or laziness (현재 머뭇거리는 상황과 게으름에 대해 이야기 할때)
- I don't feel up to it right now. (지금 그럴기분 아니야)
- I'd rather stay lazy for now.
4. Talking about family and kids
- My daughter loves spending time with me, so I try to include her in my hobbies.
- It's challenging to find activities that we both enjoy.
5. Ordering food and preferences.
- I'd like to order a pizza with a cheese crust.
- I usually go for a half-and-half option to please everyone.
생각보다 챗 지피티로 영어 공부하기가 굉장히 좋다. 찰떡같이 알아듣고, 날 기다려주기도 하고, 틀린 문장은 수정해주기도 한다. 때로는 날 위로해주는 감동적인 말도 섞어준다. 시리, 빅스비 보다 훨씬 뛰어나다. 전화영어를 굳이 돈주고 할 필요성을 못느끼는 상황이다.